Did U.S. officials give up too much for the return of an American soldier who was held prisoner for five years? Perhaps. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl fought for his country against the Taliban, who are nothing but merciless killers looking for American blood, abroad and in the U.S.

Bergdahl was released a month ago by his Taliban captors.

Members of the Taliban are extremely wicked and cruel. It was a big price to pay for the release of one soldier, though he had fought in Afghanistan for peace and to defend the U.S. against the terrorism that has taken so many innocent lives all over the world.

Many Americans were happy with his release, but some lamebrains on Capital Hill were not so joyful about giving up five killers who had been held at Guantanamo Bay.

Many questions have been raised about Bergdahl’s captivity. Government experts will continue to ask meaningful questions and get information about the type of treatment he received and if he was deserting when he left his post.

Regardless of what people may assume, Bergdahl will need counseling to cope with his return home after five years of captivity and facing a world of hate and violence. We must be open-minded.

I am sure Congress will demand a full investigation of all the events during his captivity.

Robert Lacombe, Lewiston

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