Fox Ridge
 Ladies League
“Closest to the pin on #13”
A Flight = Jodi Cornelio; B Flight = Diane Stone; C Flight = Susan Begin; D Flight = Sarah Twomey
Team standings
1st Place = TEAM 7 (Gross/Hammond) @ 29.5 pts; 2nd Place = TEAM 3 (Cornelio/Blake) @ 28.0pts; 3rd Place = TEAM 6 (Griggs/Nadeau)@27.5 pts

Ghin League

Nearest to Pin # 3 Chris Cloutier 18’3”; Nearest to Pin # 5 Sue Dostie 11’1”; Net Skins: Bruce Barnes #1 4/3 #6 4/2; Jami Godin #3 3/2; Sue Dostie #4 5/3, #8 4; Gross Skin: No Gross Birdie Skins

 The Meadows
Monday Morning Point
1st Place: Lou Longtin  +5 points; 2nd Place  Jim Tracy +4 points; Closest to the pin, hole #7:  Jr. Magno 10’ 1”; Closest to the pin hole #15: Gene Reny 56’7”

Turner Highlands

Senior Scramble


First Place: Team 1A Bob Fitzgerald, Fred Leadbetter, Kenny Merrill; Second Place Tie: Team 1 B Ken Maxim, Gerry Gardner, Stan Timberlake, Richard Beaudette; Team 17A Paul Sherman, Duane Nichols, George Dragonetti, Dave Hodgkins

Closest To The Pin 2nd Shot # 17 Team 1A

Men’s League

Flight 1: Kow Gross: Marke Wilcox 37; Low Net: Tie Russell Lalemand & Ryan Marston 34; Closest to pin # 10 Ryan Marston 12feet 2 inches; Closest to pin 2nd shot #17 George Chiasson 12 feet 7 inches; Flight 2: Low Gross: Sonny Stevens 43; Low Net: Paul Dufour 33.5; Closest to pin 2nd shot #3 Norm St. Pierre 9 feet 10 inches.

Prospect Hill Golf Course
Gritty’s Golf League
1st Place: [50 pts.], Team 10, Josh White, Paula Dubois, Joe Baldiga, Chris Sirois; 2nd Place: [ 49.5.], Team 3, Louise Lecompte, Mike Dearborn, Anne Martin, Paul Fournier; 3rd Place: [ 49 pts.], Team 2, Dan LeCompte, Mike Dumais, Daniel Lemay, Katye Vachon; 4th Place: [48 pts.], Team 1, Bill Nolin, Mike Martin, Dan Labrie, Ron Doucet; 5th Place: [46.5 pts.], Team 4, Marc Bernier, Betty Brown, Skip Sabourin, Kathi Keen; 6th Place: [46 pts.], Team 8, Gene Keene, Tom Brown, Dan Bosse, Peg Bauer; 7th Place: [45 pts.], Team 5, Rene Sirois, Steve Broadbent, Paul Douphinett, Brian Labrecque; 8th Place: [40 pts.], Team 7, Pete Wade, Janet Viere Sandy Tukey, John Stover 9th Place: [39 pts.], Team 9, Rene Dubois, Bill Bauer, Fred Leadbetter, Denise Fournier; 10th Place [ 30 pts.], Team 6, Marc Chouinard, Larry Baldiga, Tim Ireland, Bonnie Nolin; Low Gross: [ 38 ], Dan Lecompte; Low Net: [25], Dan Labrie; Birdies: [ 4 ], Josh White; Most Eagles [ ], n/a; High Points: [8], Dan Lecompte; GOTW: [11], Louise Lecompte [14] Bill Bauer, [14], Dan Labrie, [19], Peg Bauer; Pins: Josh White 1’ 11”, Tom Brown 2’ 6”, Anne Martin 8’ 3”, Kathi Keene 11’ 8”; Gritty’s Gift Certificate: Chris Sirois; 50/50: $14 Dan Lecompte

Pedro Ohara Golf League, Week 6


1 – Lessard/Lessard – 51; 1 – Scott/Mathews – 51; 1 – Thongsavanh/Melaragno – 51; 4 – Cote/Blanchette – 49.5; 4 – Kennely/Warner – 49.5; 6 – Good/Miller – 48.5; 7 – Saucier/Saucier – 48; 8 – Rosen/Annear – 47; 8 – Haines/Knowlton – 47; 10 – Boulet/Maheux – 45.5; 11 – Forgues/Vaughan – 44; 11 – Theriault/Swett – 44; 13 – Leeman/Langelier – 42.5; 13 – Landry/Desbiens – 42.5; 15 – Rousseau/Lajoie – 40.5; 16 – Morency/Nadeau – 40; 16 – Pugh/Daigle – 40; 18 – Scott/Livernois – 39; 19 – Pray/Feely – 36.5; 20 – Carey/Chouinard – 36

Area Golf Travel League

Team Winners

1St Place …. Tom Wojcik//Bob Heikkinen; 2nd Place…Ray Bryant//tony Ramis; 3rd Place…. .cliff Harris//Horace Smith; 4th Place…..Larry Duval//Dennis Fetterhoff; Close-to-pin….larry Duval//ray Lagasse; Big Plus Winners…Gus Grondin//Frank Picard; Willie Jacques//Dick Austin

Springbrook Golf Club
 Ladies League
3 Player Blind Draw & Pins
First gross: 43     Rachel Newman, Jean Pratt, Cheryl Harrington; Second net:  43-29 Rita Howard, Carmen Cohen, Nancy Sage; Pins: #13 Rita Howard 32’6″;  #15 Rachel Newman 24′

Martindale Country Club

Men’s League


Back Nine, Individual

Gross: T1. Tyler Tyburski 38; T1. Dan Hargreaves 38; Net: 1. Matt Hopkins 42-32; 2. Chip Morrison 39-33; Nearest to the Pins: #4 Matt Nicole 16’10”; #9 Matt Hopkins 13’6”

Lewiston Paint Golf League

Low Gross – John Salterio – 39; Most Points – Brisette/lebrun – 15.5

1 Rioux/Begin 95; 2 Pomerleau / Baum 95; 3 Bauer/Vachon 91.5; 4 Theriault/M. St.pierre 87.5; 5 Morin / Bolduc 87.5; 6 Houlihan/Folker 80; 7 Salterio / Gagnon 80; 8 Brousseau / Desjardins 79.5; 9 Costello / Mcdonough 78; 10 Brisette / Lebrun 78; 11 Butler / Hall 77.5; 12 Buchanan / Brown 77.5; 13 Baker / J. Ouellette 76; 14 R. Ouellette / Straw 73.5; 15 R. St. Pierre / Mathieu 73; 16 Nadeau / Geiger 72.5; 17 Murphy / True 68.5; 18 Emerson / Ouellette 67.5

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