This is in response to Charles Rappaport’s letter (June 1) “You can have your own bears.” I knew before I completed the first four lines that a male wrote it.

I would take all the bears and put them on my land; they would be better off than be out there when people shoot at anything that moves.

People who hunt know their hunting areas very well. Plus they have all their hi-tech stuff to help find bears. What do bears have? They only have their instincts to help them go on.

The more the people buy land in the area in which bears have roamed for years and years as their own land, then the more the people will be a nuisance to the bears.

People in general don’t care about animals. Not when they cross their land.

Also, some government agency may seem like it wants to help but officials are ruled by the speed of getting a problem fixed. Then, facts can be twisted to cover up the real reason why they had to shoot the animal.


Just because someone owns land does not stop animals from walking over it.

So, I think it’s great that people can’t use dogs to hunt any animals.

Of course, bears and other animals will get closer to homes because people are building closer to their homes.

Alan Girouard, Hartford

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