OXFORD — Oxford Hills Duplicate Bridge Club met May 30 in the Recreation Building, King Street, when a nine-table Mitchell movement was played

Finishing first in flight A, N/S, were Paul Kahl, Westbrook, and Rick Verrill, Westbrook, who also were first in flight B; second, Marta Clements, Woodstock, and Hazel Glazier, Norway, who also were second in flight B; third, Eleanor and Lindy Wigton, Lewiston, who also were first in flight C and third in flight B; fourth, Della Starbird, Oxford, and Eilene Potvin, Cundy’s Harbor, who also were fourth in flight B.

Tied for 2/3 in flight C were Karen MacNeil, West Baldwin, and Dave Kallander, Harrison.

Finishing first In flight A, E/W, were Mike True, Auburn, and Mike St. John, Westbrook; second, Neenie Kivus, Lewiston, and Dave Lock, Greene; third, Cindy Kirchherr, South Paris, and Nancy Farmer, Norway, who were first in flight B; fourth, Kathy Feld, Lovell, and Elaine Dresser, Bethel, who also were second in flight B and first in flight C.

Third in flight C were Linda Smith, Oxford, and Jack Neal, Oxford; fourth, Margie Levesque, Harrison, and Carol Correard, Denmark.

On Friday, June 6, there will be another game, same time and place. All bridge players are invited, and a partner is guaranteed. For more information, call Les Buzzell at 783-4153 or 754-9153 or email buzz116@myfairpoint.net.

On Saturday, June 21, Oxford Bridge Club will sponsor a “Longest Day” bridge tournament, being held throughout the country, with all proceeds going to the National Alzheimer’s Association.

There will be three games of bridge starting at 9 a.m., another at 1 p.m. and the third at 6:30 p.m. Lunch and supper will be available along with snacks throughout the day. Chairing the event are Pat and Mike Quinn. For more information, call 539-8991.

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