AUBURN — The Robin Dow Seniors will meet Wednesday, May 28, for a special vote by ballot in regard to pursuing an offer to relocate their meeting place to Schooner Estates.

The last regular meeting was held on May 14 at the Alden M. Gayton Post 31, American Legion, 426 Washington St., under the direction of President Carmela Hewitt.

Opening prayer was given by Chaplain Pat Donohue followed by the salute to the flag and singing one verse of “American the Beautiful.”

A report was given by Treasurer Irving Grant. Pat Donohue gave the report for correspondence secretary Irene Fraser.

Lucy Cowles, membership chairwoman, reported that there was one new member. Trip chairwoman Jean Doyon reported on upcoming trips.

Attendance winners were Evelyn and Beverly Lashua. Due to confusion, the pot of gold, raffle and 50/50 winners will be unnamed.

Pat Donohue closed with prayer and the meeting closed by the singing of “God Bless America.”

A bag lunch and bingo concluded the day.

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