FARMINGTON — A preliminary sketch of a proposed park for the former town garage lot has, so far, received nods of approval.

But there’s still work to do before any decision is made on whether it’s adopted.

The Board of Selectmen seemed to like it, Town Manager Richard Davis said. But it didn’t make a decision last week. Board members were hesitant to give a go-ahead until the costs and funding sources were provided.

Richard Bjorn has seen the drawing since and is on board, Davis said. Bjorn previously volunteered to make a donation toward sprucing up the lot.

Conservation Commission member Robert Zundel, a landscape architect, offered to draw some ideas for the lot. His sketch was viewed last week by the board.

The sketch reveals an area for parking spaces and a circular walkway. The darker circles are evergreens and the lighter ones are deciduous trees. The small circles north of the parking area are shrubs, Davis said. Benches may be added around the circular walk.


Some site work is being priced and Zundel is pricing plants, he said. If accepted, Public Works may be tasked with removing the building and any structures on the site.

Some people want an informational kiosk included to hold brochures for visitors coming into town from Route 2. Davis has inquired whether students at Forster Technology Center would consider building the kiosk, he said. They’re interested, but the work would have to wait until fall.

The plans will come back to the board during its June 10 meeting.

The town has no funding for the project, Davis said. What gets done will rely on available donations.

Selectmen had the property at 411 High St. appraised last year while considering selling the lot to get it back on the tax rolls. They brought the decision to voters during the March town meeting, where some spoke against selling the property.

In the 1930s, the town began using the property for the town garage, Paul Mills told residents. It was previously the site of the Norton Flat School, one of several neighborhood schools around Farmington.


Asked what motivated the board to consider selling the property, Chairman Ryan Morgan said they discussed the potential for tax revenue. The appraised value was “significantly less” than anticipated and it’s been empty for a while, he said.

The property was appraised at $53,000.

It’s a nice piece of property for the town to keep. It’s the first thing people see and it should be attractive, one resident said during the meeting.

Voters agreed not to sell it.

Last month, Nancy Porter asked the board to lease the property for a summer flea market. That offer was later withdrawn. 

A small committee, including Conservation Commission members, Parks and Recreation members and the town manager, was proposed to consider uses for the land.

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