Planned giving is a convenient flexible way for you to help sustain the future of Hope Association and individuals with intellectual disabilities. By establishing a gift through your estate plans, you will have the satisfaction of creating a personal legacy that will enable Hope Association to continue with their mission by providing their clients with high quality care.

You can establish a gift to Hope Association through:


Charitable Remainder Trust

Appreciated securities

IRA and other retirement accounts


Life Insurance, Stocks or Mutual Funds

Charitable Gift Annuity

A planned gift can be a win-win decision, benefiting Hope Association while still providing you or your loved ones with financial and tax benefits. Planned gifts may be funded through a variety of assets including cash, securities, real estate and personal property. The most appropriate planning option depends on your stage in life, financial situation and philanthropic goals. You can also refer to the American Tax Payer Relief Act, An Act To Encourage Charitable Contributions to Nonprofits and the Federal Estate Tax Exemption

For more information on how we can help you with your long-term objectives, contact Fawn Palmer at 207-364-4561. Visit

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