WATERVILLE (AP) — An 80-year-old mother of seven from Waterville has fulfilled a nearly two-decade old dream by skydiving.

Marjorie Bell leaped out of an airplane and with the help of a tandem skydiver floated 10,000 feet to the ground on Mother’s Day, one day after her birthday.

Bell told the Morning Sentinel (http://bit.ly/1mNO5Dv) that she “never felt so free.”

She was accompanied on the jump by several family members, including a daughter, son-in-law and two grandchildren.

Bell, a grandmother and great-grandmother, had wanted to jump out of a plane since she was mesmerized by skydivers on a trip to Florida 18 years ago.

Bell already has plans for her 81st birthday: She wants to zip line across Grand Falls on the Maine-New Brunswick border.

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