
Holly Lasagna

Email address

Occupation or primary source of income

Associate director, Harward Center for Community Partnerships, Bates College.



Bachelor of Arts degree in international relations from Brown University, master’s degree in leadership studies from University of Southern Maine’s Lewiston-Auburn College.

Family information

Married to Peter Lasagna with two grown children, Deacon and Carmen.

Public offices sought or held

Lewiston-Auburn Charter Commission


Do you favor consolidating the Twin Cities?


Why do you favor consolidation? What is the benefit?

While I do favor consolidation, I believe that this commission should come to the table with an open mind about what that means. Not only is it important to look at the nuts and bolts of consolidation, including the logistics and economics of joining the two cities, but it is as important to honor the differences of the two communities by making sure that we hear from a diverse group of constituents.

The benefits would be both economic and cultural synergy that would allow Lewiston and Auburn to become a driving force in the success of this community and our state.

What would convince you to change your opinion?


I will consider both options, to consolidate or not, and look at the facts about the benefits and challenges to doing one or the other. When the commission has carefully researched and considered the facts and included the voices of community members in the work, I will work collaboratively with the commission to present a charter to the community that they can then vote to accept or not.

What is the single most important question for the Charter Commission to settle?

How to honor contracts and agreements that are currently in place for both cities.

If the cities are combined, where should the city offices be located and why?

I think that is a question that can only be answered once the work of the commission is completed and the community has a chance to weigh in on the decision.

Where should the main police station be located and why?

Centrally located to both cities but, again, this decision will need to be informed by the work of the commission before a recommendation can be made.

Charter commission guide

Auburn candidates

Voters will select three candidates


Voters will select three candidates

More information

  • Explainer video that tells you everything you need to know
  • Archive of newspaper coverage
  • Downloadable ebook with profiles, sample ballots and polling places

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