In his guest column (May 4), Stavros Mendros stated “the hate and obsession of certain Democratic leaders and extremist groups has gone too far” and that “their leadership and their party has been hijacked by extremists.”

Perhaps he neglected to look in the mirror, because surely he should say the same of the Republican Party.

He also states “it is often said that when you know you have lost the argument, it is time to attack the other side personally.” Has he passed those words of wisdom along to the leader of his party, Gov. Paul LePage? He makes personal attacks on those who oppose him, often in a crass manner not befitting an elected official who represents Maine citizens.

Hospitals offer care at low or no cost to the uninsured. That is not free care. Costs are shifted to private pay patients and insurance companies. By not expanding Medicaid to 70,000 lower income residents, Maine is losing $1 billion over three years in federal funding, as well as many jobs. The bill submitted by Republican Sens. Roger Katz and Tom Saviello responded to the concerns and criticisms of their party. Republicans and the governor then refused to support it.

Patients are given information by providers and other organizations on the patient assistance programs of drug manufacturers and other sources of help, but these do not provide the full assistance of Medicaid. Not all drugs are covered by these plans so patients may still be unable to obtain the necessary medications.

Gov. LePage has refused to compromise on issues. He believes he has the only solution to problems. It appears that if a Democrat offers an idea, he rejects it.


In 2009, LePage, as mayor of Waterville, went on a rant stating it was BS that the former governor cut revenue sharing, and that it would lead to a property tax increase. Yet as governor, LePage wants to do away with revenue sharing and proposed a funding cut to the program, calling it welfare for municipalities.

Revenue sharing is a law. Does he approve of breaking the laws he doesn’t agree with?

The headline of Mendros’ column, “A dose of reality to counter the liberal hysteria” could also refer to “conservative hysteria” when they yell about the Affordable Care Act or gun control.

Conservatives don’t discuss those issues, they yell about them. They have no plan to provide health care to all citizens. Though 80 to 90 percent of people want reasonable gun laws that include background checks, conservatives yell that all gun rights will be taken away.

Extremists are at both ends of the political spectrum. We need more people in the middle who are willing to compromise on issues.

Stanley Tetenman, Poland

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