What have members of Congress done for the economy and the American people since 2008? And what have they done for themselves, the corporate world and Wall Street?

You get the picture.

They have the best job in the country — $174,000 a year in salary, paid major medical, a pension for life, and vacations that seem unlimited. Best of all, they can vote their own pay raises.

Why don’t they bargain with the American people? The only time we are considered is election time.

They ought to break up the corporate and Wall Street biggies for unfair business practices. The big banks and Wall Street trade among themselves, rather than investing in the American people. Jobs went overseas years ago.

We depend on the corporations for all our needs and make do with whatever pay they wish to part with. And the cost of those needs goes up with just a corporate excuse, just because they can.


There are thousands of lobbyists attending to members of Congress. The parties and egos seem most important.

Wal-Mart, the richest company in the world, has a 30-hour work week so the company doesn’t have to pay for insurance.

Young men and women graduate from high school and college. but where are the jobs? The target for the Republicans in 2008 was jobs. Has anyone seen them?

All talk, but who is doing the suffering?

It is about time Congress dealt with outstanding monetary greed and put American people first.

Jean Arsenault, Mexico

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