AUBURN — A judge on Friday ordered a mental examination for a city man charged with attempted murder of his girlfriend.

Mack Williams Jr., 30, pleaded not guilty in Androscoggin County Superior Court to that charge and two counts of aggravated assault and one count of assault and terrorizing.

Justice Joyce Wheeler ordered the exam to determine Williams’ competency to stand trial and whether he was insane or suffered from an abnormal condition of mind at the time of the events that led to the charges.

His bail stayed at $10,000 cash and $20,000 real estate. Should he post bail, he must have no contact with his girlfriend, 25-year-old Jill Weisman, who, police said, Williams had tried to strangle with an electrical cord.

Williams also must stay away from his roommate, Christopher Spence, 32, who fought with Williams while trying to protect Weisman, police said in court records. Williams hit Spence in the head with a toy guitar, breaking the instrument. Williams is also prohibited from contact with Brianne Leopold, Spence’s girlfriend, who was present in the Washington Street apartment at the time of the altercation.

If convicted of all charges, Williams faces up to 30 years in prison on each of the terrorizing charges and the attempted murder charge, another 15 years on the combined assault charges and more than $150,000 in fines.

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