MEXICO — Selectmen voted 3-2 at Tuesday night’s special meeting to put an article on the June 10 annual town meeting warrant to finish paving work.

Chairman Richie Philbrick said Wednesday that the board voted to take money out of the capital account so taxes and the tax rate won’t increase. He said the capital account is funded every year with $120,000.

Last month, selectmen asked Town Manager John Madigan to determine the cost of finishing paving Back Kingdom Road, and Main and Alder streets, with an option to put an article on the town meeting warrant.

Discussion about paving began at the April 8 selectmen meeting, when Selectman George Byam suggested an article asking voters to raise and appropriate money to finish paving the roads.

Philbrick said Wednesday that the board was told it would cost $800,000 to finish the paving work.

“There was a very lengthy discussion on the road work,” he said.

Byam and Selectmen Peter Merrill and Reggie Arsenault voted affirmatively; Philbrick and Selectman Byron Ouellette voted against it, Philbrick said.

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