FARMINGTON — The University of Maine at Farmington has announced that the UMF Partnership for Civic Advancement will be honored by the Maine Campus Compact with the President’s Leadership Award at a ceremony in the State House Hall of Flags in Augusta from 10 a.m. to noon Wednesday, April 30.

UMF’s Partnership for Civic Advancement is an initiative that was launched in 2011 to engage students in internships and other meaningful community-based activities.

The activities are designed in collaboration with the western Maine community to address community needs and economic and community development priorities, while also achieving specific learning objectives of the students.

“In the two short years that the Partnership for Civic Advancement has been active, it has made a significant difference to individual students, community organizations and to the fabric of UMF,” said Kathryn A. Foster, UMF president. “The first of its kind in the University of Maine System, it shows how students can provide valuable service throughout the community while gaining professional experience and confidence in the field.”

Established in 1994 and hosted at Bates College, Maine Campus Compact (MCC) is a statewide coalition of 17 college and university presidents.

Every other year, each member president may select a campus department or program to be recognized for its exceptional contributions to community service, service learning and/or civic engagement efforts on their campus.

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