JAY — Circle 677, Daughters of Isabella, St. Rose of Lima, met recently, led by Chancellor Lauriann Castonguay in recitation of the rosary. Regent Denise Rodzen opened the meeting and the pledge to the flag was said.

Recording Secretary Jackie Castonguay read the roll call of officers. Filling in for Irene Castonguay was Rita Crowley, in for Amy Ouellette Newman was Maryette Castonguay, in for Dobie Nickless was Pauline Bussiere.

Castonguay then read the minutes from the March meeting and a letter from Penny LaVerdiere. Rodzen read a letter from State Regent Jackyln Dostie Smith regarding the off-year convention. There were no new applications.

The off-year convention will be held on Saturday, May 17, and members wishing to attend should contact Rodzen. Scribe Kim Couture reported that she had put articles in the newspapers about the March business meeting and also about the bean supper. Couture reported that she had finished the Daughters scrapbook.

Under unfinished business Maryette Castonguay ssaid the bean supper went well. Couture spoke about the Memorial Day Parade and said members wishing to be on the float or to walk in the parade should call her.

The Daughters yard sale will be held on Saturday, May 3. Set-up of the tables will be on Thursday, May 1. Those wishing to donate to the yard sale may drop off items on  Friday, The Daughters are not accepting televisions, computers, clothes or electronics.

Gina Labbe spoke about the Mass the Daughters will assist with again, and Rita Crowley spoke about the Knights of Columbus free supper on April 12.

The retirement party for Father Tom will be held on Sunday, June 29, after the 10:30 a.m. Mass at the rectory in Farmington.

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