JAY — Road work is scheduled to resume Monday at the intersection of Hyde Road and Route 133 to improve the line of sight at the state-deemed dangerous intersection.

Employees from Nelson Communication Services Inc. of New Hampshire made some improvements in November to improve safety.

Jay selectmen’s Chairman Steve McCourt said Monday that last year’s improvements have already made the intersection better.

The work is projected to be completed by late June 2014.

In 2013, the town tore down a vacant home it bought at auction for $36,970 as part of the state Department of Transportation and town project. There is about 3 or 4 acres of land and a barn that came with the property. The barn is still standing.

The money for the house and the town’s share of the project came from the $200,000 voters raised in the 2012-13 budget to help make the intersection safer.


The project entails cutting back the slope on the northwest corner of the property the town purchased to increase sight distance looking left, or north, as one pulls out of Hyde Road, Brian Keezer, a DOT traffic project manager, said last year.

It also calls for cutting the grade on Route 133 to the north of the intersection to also improve sight distance. The corner radius will be widened at Hyde Road so trucks turning right onto Route 133 will no longer have to cross into the northbound lane of Route 133.

Drainage will also be improved by installing new riprapped ditches and replacing a couple of existing culverts.


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