WOODSTOCK — The Board of Selectmen unanimously voted Tuesday to donate $600 to the Telstar Regional High School Project Graduation.

Three residents from the Project Graduation group attended the meeting at the Town Office, saying they wondered why the request was not on the annual town meeting warrant March 24.

“I remember last year that we asked if the town would be willing to make a donation, and you said that we had missed the deadline for being on the warrant,” Michelle Wakefield, resident and Project Graduation member, said. “We drafted a formal request, and we thought that would allow us to be on the warrant for this year’s budget season.”

Selectman Stephen Bies said, “Every year, groups send in their requests. Each year, they have to send in a new request. It’s not a standing thing. I don’t think we communicated that to you.”

After a 10-minute discussion, selectmen agreed to donate the $600 and to recognize the request submitted for the 2014-15 budget at the 2015-16 budget process.

The high school is in Bethel, which along with Woodstock, Greenwood, Newry and Andover form SAD 44.


In other business, Town Manager Vern Maxfield told selectmen that three residents had submitted their names for the Union Church Committee.

Discussion about the church in South Woodstock began during the annual town meeting. Voters originally were asked whether to raise and appropriate up to $4,500 to make repairs to the granite foundation. Several residents said they wished to see the church repaired; some said they believed the building should be sold or torn down.

Residents voted against raising the money and voted to form a committee to decide the most prudent action.

Those asking to be on the committee were Marta Clements, Elizabeth Gallagher and Bob McQueeney.

Maxfield said the committee should have at least five residents.


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