MEXICO — A local Relay For Life team will host its annual Breakfast with the Easter Bunny at 6:30 a.m. Saturday, April 19, at the Town Hall, member Kim Chiasson said Monday afternoon.

Chiasson said Team Friends and Family Forever has been around for about 15 years.

“It started after a girlfriend of mine was diagnosed with ovarian cancer around 15 years ago,” Chiasson said. “It sort of grew out of that. Later, she passed away and our team dwindled a little bit. After awhile, we teamed up with another team that had dwindled, and we’re still going to this day.”

The breakfast will be the fourth hosted by Team Friends and Family Forever.

“It’s really gone well,” Chiasson said. “The first year was a little slow, but once it caught on, we started getting a good turnout and some good feedback from residents.”

The breakfast will consist of pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs and a beverage.


The entrance fee will be $5 for children 12 and younger, and $6 for anyone older than 12.

“The kids are also welcome to have their picture taken with the Easter bunny for $3,” Chiasson said. “We always try and get the picture developed and ready for them on the same day it’s taken.”

Chiasson said the breakfast is open to any Mexico residents.

For more information, call Gloria Carrier at 364-7818 or Chiasson at 364-7953.

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