RUMFORD – The Rumford Public Library will host a new poetry program from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Thursday, April 24, library director Luke Sorenson said.

People can read their personal poems or those of their favorite authors.

“People don’t have to read their own stuff if they don’t want to,” Sorenson said. “They can have someone else read it for them, or if they’re more comfortable, they can read one of their favorite poems to the audience.”

The idea for the program was born out of a discussion amongst members of  Friends of the Rumford Library, member Linda Macgregor, who is also a member of the Rumford Library trustees, said.

Macgregor said the library used to host a poetry program years ago.

“At that time, we had a very informal group of individuals gathering and reading poetry,” she said. “It was just wonderful. You’d get young people visiting and reading that you wouldn’t have expected to see at that type of program. It was an outlet for people, whether it was to celebrate or grieve.”


Macgregor said she hopes the poetry program will be able to meet monthly and have guest readers.

“We’ve chatted with Betsy Sholl, the former Maine poet laureate, and she said she’d be glad to come and read,” Macgregor said. “It’s just a matter of getting our schedules to match up.”

Refreshments will be served to those who attend.

For more information, call the library at 364-3661.

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