DIXFIELD — The Pre-School Storytime program, held at the Ludden Memorial Library, will attempt to collect donations and raise money throughout the month of April to benefit a local program that provides baby supplies for needy children.

Catherine Leonard, who runs the Pre-School Storytime program, said that every year, she asks the children who attend to think of an organization that they wish to help.

“A couple of years ago, we accepted donations and raised money for local kennels,” Leonard said. “Last year, we sent around 20 boxes to an airborne military unit that was serving in Afghanistan. We had quite a lot of support for that one.”

“Since the airborne unit has since returned to America, I asked the children what they wanted to do this year, and they said they wanted to help the babies,” Leonard said.

Leonard said that throughout the entire month of April, residents can purchase different baby supplies and drop them off at the Ludden Memorial Library. At the end of the month, the supplies will be donated to the Sheltering Wing, a program located in the old Peru Elementary School building that collects baby supplies for needy children.

Items that people can donate include diapers of all sizes, baby blankets, gently used clothing, outside wear for babies, car seats, baby powder, lotions and baby wipes.


“Basically, we’re looking for all the regular things that people buy for babies,” Leonard said. “If people don’t feel comfortable with buying the individual items, they can donate money, which we would use to buy baby products.”

Leonard said that the fundraising event is being held in memory of longtime patron Naomi Farrar, who recently passed away.

“She was a very well-loved patron here,” Leonard said. “She always did so much for everybody else, and I feel this program is our way to help honor her memory.”

For more information, call the Ludden Memorial Library at 562-8838.


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