MEXICO — The Board of Selectmen has four volunteers for subcommittees studying shared services with Rumford, Town Manager John Madigan said at Tuesday evening’s board meeting.

The boards have been meeting since June to talk about sharing services.

In September, Municipal Resources, a New Hampshire-based company, provided both towns with a proposal for a comprehensive study on the subject. The boards approved the proposal.

Part of the proposal, according to Don Jutton, president of Municipal Resources, involves setting up subcommittees for departments within each town.

The five subcommittees are: Police, Fire and Emergency Management; Parks and Recreation; Union Services and Libraries; Public Works; and Budget, Finance and Town Hall Operations.

Town Manager John Madigan said each subcommittee would have, from each town, two selectmen, a department head, residents and a Budget Committee member.


The names of the volunteers from Mexico are:

* Marjorie Richards, who requested to be on the Budget, Finance and Town Hall Operations Subcommittee.

*Jack Gaudet, who requested to be on either the Budget, Finance and Town Hall Operations or the Fire Department Subcommittee.

* Mabel Merrill, who requested to be on either the Budget, Finance and Town Hall Operations or the Parks and Recreation Subcommittee.

* Cindy Welch, who requested to be on the Union Services and Libraries Subcommittee.

Madigan said he will send the names of those who wish to volunteer to Jutton.


In other business, Selectman Peter Merrill told Madigan that he has been hearing concerns from residents about whether or not the town has a flood plan.

“It’s definitely something we should be concerned about,” Madigan told him. The town manager said he has heard that fire Chief Gary Wentzell has a flood plan in place in case of an emergency.

“We also have the advantage of being able to record the volume of water going over the dam in Rumford,” Madigan said. “We can usually predict what’s going to happen ahead of time based on how much water is coming through.”

The board also heard a request from Barbara Morse, president of the Rumford Senior Center, for the town to donate $500 to help keep the center operating. Morse said the center, which has between 120 and 140 members, has almost 30 from Mexico.

“The money donated will go toward helping us with rent, with our ice cream socials and luncheons,” she said.

Madigan said that during the town’s next budget meeting, he would see if the selectmen and the Budget Committee would be interested in placing the request on the warrant as an initiated article.

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