CHESTERVILLE — Voters approved articles amounting to $697,111, elected two selectmen and rejected a fireworks ordinance at Monday night’s annual town meeting.

Selectman Guy Iverson, running unopposed, received 126 votes for another three-year term, Town Clerk Heather Wheeler said Tuesday.

Scott Gray won a one-year term on the board after Maitland Lord decided not to run again, she said. Gray received 87 votes and Daniel Tibbetts Sr. got 36 votes, she said.

Although residents at last year’s town meeting wanted a fireworks ordinance, the one proposed for adoption was voted down 27-36, Wheeler said.

The Planning Board and Code Enforcement Officer Brenda Medcoff researched fireworks ordinances from other towns similar in size and character to Chesterville.

The ordinance they brought before voters included specific distances for fireworks ignition, including not within 1,000 feet of livestock or a livestock building. It also limited setting off fireworks less than 100 feet from a vehicle or combustible structure.


Those opposing the ordinance thought it was too restrictive in all aspects, she said.

Those who favored it mentioned a couple incidents where farm animals were put at risk and firework debris fell on some properties.

Voters decided to continue to abide by state laws regarding fireworks, she said. These include no fireworks after 10 p.m. except for certain holidays. They can only be set off on your property without permission from another landowner, and no one under 21 is allowed to ignite fireworks, according to online articles.

A water quality ordinance enacted last fall was amended, Wheeler said. The changes were proposed to clarify wording, mostly about excavation and boundaries of existing pits.

Voters agreed to allow selectmen and the Fire Department to use funds from the firetruck reserve account and to borrow no more than $125,000 to buy a new squad truck.

Townspeople amended a request to take $4,403 from surplus to cover 2013 overdrafts, raising it to $6,561.70.

When asked to raise $5,000, take $20,000 from the General Fund and use equipment reserve funds to purchase highway equipment, voters decided to take the $25,000 from the General Fund, along with equipment reserve funds, to purchase equipment.

The Historical Society provided a meal before the 2½-hour meeting and the Franklin County Home Extension held a bake sale during voting hours Monday, Wheeler said.

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