DIXFIELD — The Board of Selectmen voted Monday to dedicate the 2014 Town Report to Anthony “Tony” Martin, who served the town in many capacities.

Martin died July 23, 2013, at the age of 89, Town Manager Linda Pagels-Wentworth said.

“Tony was born at his home in Mexico and served as a constable, a deputy sheriff, a newspaper reporter and a member of the Board of Selectmen, the Planning Board and Finance Committee,” she said. “He was also a World War II veteran, and the past commander of the American Legion.”

He was known as “Wally” to his family, she said.

In other business at the meeting at Ludden Memorial Library, selectmen voted to accept a bid of $45,827 from Cummings NorthEast for a portable generator. Pagels-Wentworth said the town bought a new portable generator for the reservoir building.

Selectmen will hold a budget meeting at 5:30 p.m. March 17, followed by a meeting to vote on how the town budget will be approved at the annual town meeting.


At a public hearing on Feb. 26, residents and selectmen discussed whether the budget should be voted on by a show of hands or secret ballot at the town meeting or voted on at the polls later.

Selectmen also voted to renew the Dixfield Post Office lease for $20,000, an increase of $2,500 from the previous agreement.

“Every five years, we renew the contract with the post office,” Pagels-Wentworth added.


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