Med-Care Ambulance was selected as the Region 2 EMS Service of the year for 2013.

Med-Care was selected by the Atlantic Partners during this year’s awards ceremony held at the 33rd Annual EMS Seminar at the Samoset Resort in Rockland. The focus in choosing this year’s awardees included those with a strong community connection, integrated programs for community injury prevention / education, and a strong desire to improve the EMS system as a whole.

Med-Care was nominated by Joanne Lebrun, regional coordinator for Region 2. In her nomination letter she referred to Med-Care’s robust Quality Assurance Program and strong involvement with regional and state initiatives for quality improvement and education.

She noted that Med-Care had one of the strongest outreach programs for CPR and AED training within the state of Maine. The Western Maine Chapter of the National Sudden Cardiac Arrest Association has placed Med-Care as the leader in training schools and organizations throughout the state in CPR and AED usage.

Additionally, she noted that Med-Care as a system “thinks outside of the box” and has even orchestrated “Flash Mobs” at sporting events in promoting public awareness and education. Lastly, she stated that Med-Care’s work both regionally and state wide with education and committees is valued and appreciated.

The award reads:


Region 2 EMS Service of the Year 2013


Med-Care Ambulance

For Dedication and Commitment to Public Education- Injury Prevention- Community Involvement- Interagency Cooperation- EMS System Development

33rd Annual EMS Seminar

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