DIXFIELD — The RSU 10 board Monday night unanimously approved an evaluation and engineering study of the Mountain Valley High School roof at a cost of between $5,000 and $8,000.

The roof leaks have prompted event cancellations, classrooms relocations and curriculum changes.

The gymnasium, classrooms along the ramp and Muskie Auditorium have been hit particularly hard by the leaks caused by ice storms.

Associated Design Partners Inc. of Falmouth will conduct an on-site evaluation after the ice and snow have melted. But first, they will study the blueprints of the facility.

Buildings and Grounds Director Kenny Robbins said representatives from the firm will report their findings to the board, which will like decide whether to seal the bitumen-layered roof or replace the entire roof.

Dozens of buckets have been scattered throughout much of the school during the past few weeks to collect the water leaks.


School Principal Matt Gilbert said questions linger as to whether the annual spring musical, “Little Shop of Horrors,” will be able to be presented. If it is, a change in location will likely be required.

“It’s up in the air right now,” he said.

How or whether the annual March Madness activities, intramurals and talent show can take place are to be determined. He said practice for spring sports usually begins inside the gym. Since that can’t be used, he said athletic director Al Cayer is trying to find alternative locations.

“The students have been fantastic. It’s an inconvenience but we can’t do anything to accelerate it,” he said.

The school’s roof has leaked in the past, but not nearly as much as this year. It has also been repaired at least a couple of times since it was installed more than 30 years ago.

Crucial to the study is the amount of damage that may be caused when the spring thaw takes place.


Board member Barbara Chow was concerned that the leaks may cause a section of the roof to fall.

“I want to know it won’t go on anyone’s head,” she said.

She and the board were assured that no part of the roof is in danger of falling.

Funds for the engineering study will come from the building and maintenance account.

In another matter, children from Dirigo Elementary School and Meroby Elementary School presented reports on the recently completed Read Across America Week. Dirigo students heard readings by people who are sometimes considered heroes. Meroby students acted as photo journalists.

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