MECHANIC FALLS — James Bradley of Mechanic Falls has announced his candidacy for the Maine House of Representatives as a Democrat, representing Mechanic Falls, Otisfield and Oxford.

According to a press release from Bradley, his decision to run is driven by a strong desire to bring about positive change in Augusta and work in a bipartisan way to address the challenges facing the state.

“Our top priority must be to increase job opportunities in Maine which will require finding ways to encourage more business to do business in Maine as well as helping current businesses expand,” the statement said. “We must also invest in higher education so that we have the highly trained workforce that today’s businesses need. Finally, we must tackle our financial challenges in a responsible way while ensuring that our most vulnerable citizens are not paying for tax cuts for the wealthy.”

Bradley holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Maine at Augusta and is a staff associate at the University of Southern Maine’s Lewiston-Auburn College in Lewiston where he has worked for the past 13 years.

He is president of the USM Chapter of the University of Maine System Professional Staff Association. He was also recently appointed to the Mechanic Falls Budget Committee. He previously served as state president and state treasurer of the Associated COLT Staff of the Universities of Maine, or ACSUM, and chairman of the Mechanic Falls Democratic Committee.

For more information on Bradley’s campaign to go

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