This past week it was announced that Democrats in the Maine Legislature will try to stop payment to the Alexander Group for the Medicaid report. Part One has been presented and resulted in political posturing by those who seek to keep the status quo.

The main argument against the numbers presented was they were far different from those of the Kaiser Commission report.

In reality, both sides make a claim that their numbers are correct. The difference is that the Kaiser report takes national data and assumes Maine’s usage would be the same where the Alexander report uses actual Maine data.

The Kaiser report also assumes things like increased co-pays and reductions in some types of services, neither of which is addressed by Alexander, and to me seems highly doubtful that any Democrats in the Legislature would even consider such changes regardless.

I’ve previously commented supporting MaineCare, but only after reviewing what is currently offered and then deciding what we can truly afford.

We must make adjustments to the benefit package in order to better serve all Mainers. Take the suggestions of the Kaiser study and understand the Alexander report to provide a vision as to what happens if we do nothing or expand as is and you have a model to begin discussion.

I urge all members of the Legislature to stop the posturing, attacks and sound bite mentality and instead spend time focusing on solutions. Mainers expect lawmakers to lead the way, not place obstacles to the journey.

Robert Reed, Lewiston

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