There’s likely a long list of people who wish the nor’easter could be pushed ahead into the far future: sports teams, commuters, exhaust highway crews and their budget-strapped towns. On a much smaller list though, are people who’d hoped for it to come summer. Our top contender ? The eight suspects across Oxford County arrested for manufacturing and distributing meth in a series of raids last week.

Snow brings hope to one group  – well, two, if you count students counting on it getting them out of school – without fail: snowmobile riders ready to take to Maine’s trails. Yet, industry insiders say the volunteers who keep those trails groomed and clear year-round are declining, threatening to splinter the system. Find out how the decline of Oxford’s Rock-O-Dundee Riders snowmobile club in Oxford, around since the 70’s, is symbolic of a state-wide trend.

There’d be plenty of hands available if Norway opts to start a $1 million plan to repair Main Street. Selectmen are considering splitting a bond with the state which, if approved by voters, would fix conditions along Stephens Memorial Hospital.

Bikers in the area are likely hoping for better roads as Bike Maine announced their fall biking tour will make a pit stop in Norway next fall.

While Norway may mend roads, it looks as though the relationship between Paris and outspoken critic Janet Jamison is permanently broken. Selectmen denied Jamison a slot on the budget committee for the second  time in four months.

Buckfield residents may get a chance to reconsider withdrawing from RSU 10 if a petition from a former school board director garners enough signatures; in the meantime Town Manager Dana Lee’s resignation last month has given selectmen pause as they eye whether they need the position full-time.

Norway replaces a police cruiser totaled in a high-speed pursuit, may turn the lights on along Whitman Street, Oxford is given a fire station – yes, you read that correctly, given a fire station – albeit with future plans to replace it. We get to know a writer from the coast a little better,  residents open up their hearts to us and reveal their Valentine’s Day plans, while all of those observing “Singles Day” fear not: Oxford is negotiating a new cable TV deal.

All this and more in this week’s edition of The Advertiser Democrat. 

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