TGIF Potluck Supper is Feb. 14

NEW PORTLAND — The Western Mountains Baptist Church will host their monthly TGIF Potluck Supper at 6 p.m. Friday, Feb. 14.

Baked beans will be provided. Bring a dish to share. For more information, call Kathy at 265-4651.

Ladies/Community Breakfast is Feb. 19

RANGELEY — The next Ladies/Community Breakfast will be held from 7 to 9 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 19, at Keep’s Corner Cafe on Main Street.

Anyone with a special dietary need should call in advance for accommodation. For more information call 864-2262.


Two speakers at RRG&SA meeting

OQUOSSOC — The Rangeley Region Guides and Sportsman’s Association will have two very important speakers at the Thursday, Feb. 20, meeting at the Oquossoc Club House on Old Skiway Road.

Lee Kanter, the state moose biologist, will present “All You Want to Know about Maine Moose.” He will be elaborating on the ongoing Maine moose research.

Chandler Woodcock, commissioner of Maine IF&W, will be on hand to answer any questions. The presentations will follow a 5:30 p.m. potluck supper. The meeting is open to the public at no cost. Bring your favorite dish or dessert.

For more information, call Marcia at 864-3351.

Homemakers to meet Feb. 20


CHESTERVILLE — The North Chesterville Extension Homemakers will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 20, in the Chesterville Town Office on the Dutch Gap Road.

The topic will be Lancaster County-Pennsylvania Dutch Country. Linda Brown and Linda Gramlich will share information on their history, current day happenings, some famous people and their accomplishments, symbols, some words and phrases and, of course, recipes.

All meetings are free and open to the public. For more information, call 778-3156. NCEH are in partnership with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension.

Lobster stew luncheon at Fairbanks

FARMINGTON — The Fairbanks Union Church will hold a lobster stew luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, Feb. 21.

The luncheon includes lobster stew, biscuit, pickles, cheese, pumpkin dessert and cream, and coffee/tea beverages.


For delivery within five miles of the church, call 778-4705.

The donation for the luncheon is $10. The luncheons are held on the third Friday of months with an “r” in them.

ServSafe program at Turner adult ed.

TURNER — The ServSafe program will be presented at SAD 52 Adult and Community Education from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 21, and Saturday, Feb. 22.

Topics include food handling, HAACP, pest control and more. Fee of $160 includes textbook and exam.

Register at or call 225-1010 for more information.


Luncheon aids family of Jill Therrien Best

JAY — A benefit luncheon will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 22, at Steppin’ Out on Route 4 for the family of Jill Therrien Best, who died suddenly on Jan. 7. Proceeds will help with funeral expenses.

Cost for adults is $5, child 10/under $3. There will be a 50/50 drawing and raffles.

For more information, call 364-6069, 645-4211 or 645-2910.

Passport Dinner goes to Russia

WILTON — This month, Wilson Grange will travel to Russia for its Passport Dinner at 6 p.m. Friday, Feb. 28, at 1338 Main St. in East Wilton, across from Shelly’s Market.

Authentic Russian fare such as borscht, stroganoff, Russian carrot salad, Russian tea cakes and black tea will be featured. A vegetarian option always is available.

After the dinner, Natasha Erb, a native of Syktyvkar, who grew up in a small village near the Artic Circle, will give a presentation on some of the traditions and culture of Russia. She’ll also tell a bit about how she and her fellow citizens dealt with weather there that usually is colder than we’ve experienced lately.

Cost is $12 per person, and reservations are a must. Seats fill up fast so call 645-3676 soon. Snow date is Saturday, March 1, also at 6 p.m.

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