BETHEL — Students at Telstar High School are more than ready for the annual Winter Carnival week and the formal dance that caps it off on Feb. 15.

“It’s a lot of fun,” said senior Eric Lowell. “I’m very competitive.”

Each class will have many chances for friendly competition throughout the week by participating in a variety of games, such as floor hockey, soccer and pin guard, as well as taking part in special dress-up days. Events will take place during an hour in the middle of the school day, Monday through Thursday, both inside and outside the school. Friday is filled with fun activities all day. Outside events might include sledding, ice fishing or skiing.

Senior Austin Ryerson said he really likes the annual event.

“I get to play sports with all my friends,” he said.

Anyone entering the school on Monday is likely to see many students — and maybe a few teachers — wearing their pajamas. Tuesday’s dress-up day will be extra special and somewhat darker than usual, as it is Mrs. Poston Day, a longtime English teacher who always dresses in black. In her honor, students will get creative with black attire.


Wednesday’s participation calls for dressing up as what a student’s future occupation might be. Thursday is cartoon character day, and each participant will dress up as a specific cartoon character. Freshmen choose from cartoon shows on PBS Kids, sophomores from the Cartoon Network, juniors from the Disney Channel and seniors from Nickelodeon. Friday is Telstar Spirit Day, when students don school colors. 

Sophomore John Walker likes Winter Carnival Week because it is one time when each class can work together. Homerooms at Telstar are comprised of students from each class instead of from all one grade.

Friday’s events also include a talent show with at least a half-dozen or more students participating. John, a young DJ who sometimes plays for middle school and other dances, will also bring his DJ music system to play music throughout the day. 

Dean of Students Charlie Raymond said past performances during the talent show have included singing, dancing and magic tricks. He said the emphasis is on good sportsmanship, as well as providing a time to have fun.

One of Eric Lowell’s favorite events is searching for Yosemite Sam, the school mascot. Raymond hides small and large versions of the cartoon character each night before he leaves school. Whichever class finds the stuffed toys the next day earns points for their class.

Although no specific prizes are given to the class earning the most points, Lowell said the winner gets all the glory.


The week ends with a formal dance at the school on Saturday night. Suits for boys and gowns for girls are required. Raymond said because the cost for gowns is so high, the school has provided a variety of gowns for girls who want them.

Winter vacation starts on Feb. 17.



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