Thomas Shields commented on Jan. 16 that the Democrats at the state and federal level are, once again, the reason for all the failures that plague this great nation. Every letter he writes to the Sun Journal has the same theme and, as I have suggested in the past, he must believe in a one-party system of government.

Perhaps he hasn’t had an opportunity to read the Constitution of the United States?

I get it: he doesn’t like President Barack Obama and President George Bush was perfect, by his account.

I would challenge Shields to write about what was left to President Bush by President Bill Clinton and what was left to President Obama by President Bush and how it related to the federal debt.

He applauds the actions of Gov. Paul LePage and how he has cleaned up the “mess” left by the Democrats. Really? He cleaned the mess up all by himself?

I find it difficult to get behind a “rough-talking” governor who shows little or no respect to the president, or who flouts the law by telling the state’s attorney general to sue him with regard to a report — funded by the taxpayers — that he refused to release. That, while railing for legal action against those who abuse their EBT cards.


Sounds like a double standard.

Shields wrote, “For better government, Republicans are a better choice.”

Yes, let’s try it, because we would still have a two-party system — the Republicans and the tea party.

Norman Smith, Poland

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