MEXICO — At least 65 leaks have developed in the Mountain Valley High School roof in the past few weeks, the director of buildings and grounds for RSU 10 told directors Monday night.

Kenny Robbins said there is a tremendous amount of damage to the ceiling tiles in many of the classrooms and other areas. Most heavily affected are classrooms for arts and crafts, home economics and a lecture hall. Also affected are the drafting room, the boys’ locker room, the shop area, music room, cafeteria and other spaces in the lower part of the building.

Although the roof likely won’t be completely replaced this year, Superintendent Craig King said, it and possibly the electrical and ventilation systems could be replaced in the near future.

Robbins said the roof was installed in 1984 and has had leaks almost from the beginning. He said it has been patched several times, but this year’s extreme weather has resulted in substantially more leaks. Besides the weather, the school’s nine roof heights have added to the problems.

“We will need an engineer to help us work through this process,” Robbins said.

He said a temporary fix could be done soon. He estimated it would cost $88,000, which is available in the buildings and maintenance account.

King said replacement of the roof likely would cost at least $1.5 million, requiring local money because the state has none.

A newly formed Facilities Committee plans to meet next week to discuss possible options for the MVHS roof.

Robbins has been meeting with an engineer who worked on the roof in the past. A possible plan for next steps will likely be presented at the Feb. 10 board meeting at Dirigo High School.

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