DEAR ABBY: When parents who live many miles away from their adult children visit their homes, to what extent should they be treated as “guests”? When we visit our son, our daughter-in-law gets herself a snack and then sits down to eat it and watch TV, and there we sit. She never offers us a thing. Are we expecting too much or doesn’t she have any manners?

Also, when we have a meal in their home, they get their own beverages and never mention anything about what is available to us. We’re not used to this kind of treatment. Have you any thoughts on how to handle this without causing any rift? — DISRESPECTED IN MICHIGAN

DEAR DISRESPECTED: Assume that your daughter-in-law behaves this way because she doesn’t know any better. As for your son, because he wasn’t raised this way, he is either thoughtless, rude or following his wife’s lead.

Because you’re all family, things should be informal. The way to handle it is to speak up and tell your hosts that you’re hungry and/or thirsty, too. If it’s said with a smile, it shouldn’t cause a rift.

DEAR ABBY: “Bill” and I have gone together for three years. He’s a wonderful, sweet man who has never raised his voice to me. We have talked about taking our relationship to the next level. I’m hesitant because I suspect he’s a high-functioning alcoholic.

Bill doesn’t seem to crave a drink when he’s with me, but he does crave being in bars in the company of men who sit for hours over drinks and then get out on the Interstate. I don’t want to be his mother or his hall monitor, but I have begun to suspect I shadow his denial. I’m afraid I have become his enabler.


We are in our early retirement years and the thought that his drinking will get worse has made me afraid. I love Bill. I can’t seem to move forward, yet I resist walking away.

We have discussed my feelings many times, and he says he has cut down the amount he drinks and there’s nothing to worry about. Yet, I have this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. — SICK FEELING IN TEXAS

DEAR SICK FEELING: Listen to your intuition. I don’t know how often Bill “craves” the company of men who sit for hours in bars becoming increasingly inebriated, but if it is more than “occasionally,” then I agree you may have cause for concern.

Because of the language in your letter, it appears you are already familiar with alcoholism and how it affects relationships. It would be a good idea for you to attend some Al-Anon meetings before your relationship with Bill goes further because he may be in denial about the importance of alcohol in his life. The meetings are easy to find; Al-Anon is listed in your phone directory and can be found at

DEAR ABBY: More and more I receive emails from people using the closing salutation “Best.” I feel this must be incorrect. Shouldn’t it be “Best Regards” or “Best Wishes”? To say simply “Best” seems somehow lacking. Best what? What is accurate? — TANDI IN NEW HAVEN

DEAR TANDI: Closing a communication using “Best” is a shorthand version of saying “Best Wishes” or “Best Regards.” It’s acceptable in less-than-formal communications, and is sometimes used when someone feels that ending their email without it would seem too cold and abrupt.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

To receive a collection of Abby’s most memorable — and most frequently requested — poems and essays, send your name and mailing address, plus check or money order for $7 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby — Keepers Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. Shipping and handling are included in the price.

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