PERU — A policy on residents’ use of town sand was approved by the Board of Selectmen on Monday night.

As a courtesy, the town provides sand to residents during the winter. The limit is two five-gallon buckets per storm. Commercial use of town sand is prohibited.

The sand is available in a large wooden bin near the municipal garage at 85 Peru Center Road. Residents are responsible for providing their own pails and shovels, the policy states. The town will not load sand for residents, who must provide proof of residency, if requested.

Selectmen said violators will be prosecuted and subject to a fine up to $500 for each occurrence.

The policy was passed after reports were received of people taking full pickup truck loads of sand and becoming belligerent when told the limit is two buckets.

There has also been suspicion that some people getting sand are not residents of Peru.


In other business Monday, board Chairman Jim Pulsifer said selectmen held a conference call with the town attorney about Recreation Committee finances and have left the matter in the attorney’s hands.

On Nov. 25, selectmen voted to send former Recreation Committee Chairman Timothy Holland a letter after receiving complaints about how Holland handled the funds.

At the time, Pulsifer said he didn’t think Holland did anything wrong, but the board wanted to ensure Recreation Department spending followed the town’s standard procedures to “pay only on invoices for specific items.”

The certified letter was sent as part of the board’s efforts to meet with Holland and examine the committee’s checkbook. The letter was never retrieved from the post office after Holland was notified he had to sign for it, and it was returned to the Town Office.

Also at Monday’s meeting, the group called Peruvians for Honest Government offered to help town employees get documents the group asked for last week through a Freedom of Access Act request. Members of the group offered to provide and operate scanners to save paper and ink.

Members raised the question Monday of forming a Charter Committee to consider a charter for the town. Pulsifer said he has favored forming such a committee for several years. He pointed out that it was important that the committee have the widest possible representation so that all interests would be represented.


Selectmen requested that residents willing to serve on the committee contact the Town Office. Pulsifer said that in addition to volunteers, the committee should include members of the Planning Board and the Board of Selectmen.

There are also openings on the Finance Committee.

Selectmen will meet at 9 a.m. Thursday at the Town Office to work on the Town Report. No business will be discussed or acted on.

The Boston Post Cane will be awarded to Peru’s oldest resident in a ceremony at 5 p.m. Monday at the Town Office.

Selectmen will meet following the presentation.

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