David Marquis commented (Jan. 7) that the Republican-led House voted 47 times to repeal Obamacare and produced “not one jobs bill.”

By way of explanation, on 47 occasions, Senate President Harry Reid refused to bring the House bills forward for a Senate vote, preventing Democratic senators’ votes from being on record.

“Jobs bills” means an appropriation of funds for administering a program or for construction. That necessitates borrowing more and adding to the federal debt. Under Democratic control, that debt has gone from $9 trillion to $17 trillion and is growing.

Regarding the listing of 367 vacation days for former President George W. Bush — during his eight years, those were primarily taken at his own property in Texas and Kennebunkport, where the White House functions continued. Those were nowhere near the extravagant expenses incurred by President Barack Obama when he went to Africa, Hawaii, Europe, Martha’s Vineyard and other places.

Yes, Gov. Paul LePage has rough talk. The media love to magnify that. But actions speak louder than words. He and the Republicans cleaned up the Maine Housing Authority; paid the hospital debt; made the largest tax cut in history; corrected the shortfall in retirement funds (incurred by Democrats); and reformed the state welfare system. That speaks for the ability to govern and run Maine properly.

Why would Mainers vote for Democrats with their record of tax-and-spend, accepting corruption and mismanagement and their creation of a subservient welfare group?

For better government, Republicans are a better choice.

Thomas Shields, Auburn

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