In watching and experiencing the latest weather, I have to wonder if God’s hand is still in the elements. Is God sending a message to a rebellious nation, as he did to rebellious Israel?

Strictly devout early colonists very much believed God used the elements to chastise his people if they rebelled against God’s holy laws.

I listened as national weather people announced a polar vortex enveloping much of this country. Such a pattern had not occurred for 20 years. Another local weatherman joked, “here come the locusts” (referring to biblical plagues).

Speaking of the media, I noted a book review of Prodigal Press on C-Span recently. The book was written (most recent edition) by Warren Cole Smith. It reveals that the founding of many newspapers in this country were by Christians. It also firmly establishes that the media do not do justice to the Christian point of view any longer.

Elaine Graham, Farmington

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