The Affordable Care Act has one big problem: The government has invested millions of dollars in a website supposed to get people set up with health care insurance, only for the website to be a failure.

According to Fox News, Obama promised that the website would be foolproof.

It’s his second term in presidency, and this plan has been in progress since the beginning. In his fifth year as president, you would think that he would have been able to work the kinks out by now.

The deadline for American citizens to purchase health insurance has already been pushed ahead once due to complications with the system.

There is no problem with the idea behind the ACA, just how it has been carried out. The government should have been more efficient with its plan before it came up with the idea to fine those without health insurance.

The longer it takes to perfect this, the less people will continue to believe in it.

Owen Mower

Cameron Robinson

Mariah Parent

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