Let’s be honest — political parties offer only dead hope. We need better.

When looking at politics in America, anyone can see the deepest division ever. There is vicious hatred, far worse than ever before, and it is getting worse every day.

Both parties are at fault. There are many people, especially on the left, who fuel that deadly division by playing the race card.

White, left-wing radicals are allied with the majority of the non-white population. Extreme radicals have gotten control. What they really want is control of America, and they will do just about anything to get it.

It doesn’t take much imagination to see what is coming. All anyone needs is a little knowledge of human nature and history to see that this is leading to a serious clash between the right and the left. A deadly, racially-charged time bomb is about to explode.

Looking at the political right in America, they talk incessantly about Christianity but do we see God’s power in their political party? I mean, real power?


Are they really showing the public how to solve America’s problems? The answer is a thunderous “no.”

This world must learn that there is no hope in any political organization. Nor is there hope in this world’s Christianity because many of their beliefs are not taken from the Bible.

This world is filled with hopelessness because people have hopeless beliefs. The evidence is all around us.

Even this world’s religions are founded on human reasoning, not the hope-filled words of the Bible.

Robert Roy, Lewiston

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