J.D. Irving is planning to do mining at Bald Mountain. That would destroy the mountain and contaminate the water around it.

Any mining will cause more destruction than anyone can imagine. People should listen to the Board of Environmental Protection and look at other places where there has been mining. There is no beauty left.

The state’s beautiful mountains should be left alone. They are there for a purpose so people can enjoy them for generations to come and not look like a pit of dirt.

People should look up north at J.D. Irving’s tree cutting where there is a lot of waste and clear-cut. It takes years for trees to grow, and lots of trees are left broken on the ground to rot.

It is sad to see the waste of wood. Many homes could be kept warm from the wood left after the clear-cut. Those forests will never be the same.

Some people, all they think about is money, not the beauty of this planet, Earth.

Do not destroy Bald Mountain out of greed.

The public should insist on a ban on mining our beautiful mountains so we can hike and enjoy them.

Mary Ann Michaud, Lewiston

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