RUMFORD — Rumford and Mexico took another step toward regionalization Thursday evening when selectmen from both towns unanimously voted to share a town manager for the next six months.

As Mexico Town Manager John Madigan and selectmen from both towns finished signing the contract, the audience applauded.               

“This is history in the making right here,” Rumford Selectman Jolene Lovejoy said.

Madigan has been Mexico’s town manager for nine years and formerly was Rumford’s manager.

“I just wanted to thank all 10 selectmen for this courageous thing they’ve done,” he said after the contract was signed. “I’ve loved this valley since I first saw it in 1985. I’ve been here 28 years now.

“I think that the citizens have certainly sent a message to us based on how they voted this year,” Madigan said. “We have to try something new, and I’m going to give my best effort to try and see where we can consolidate services so we can have an adequate level of service for our citizens moving forward. I do that everyday, and have since I first came here. I hope that all of us can work together for the common good of us all, because we are all one people in this part of the state,” he said


The search for a town manager for Rumford began Sept. 19, after Carlo Puiia submitted his resignation, citing personal reasons. He agreed to stay until selectmen hired a new manager or until the end of the business day Friday, Dec. 20, whichever came first.

In other business at the Rumford selectmen meeting, the Citizen of the Year Award was presented to residents Robert and Louise Stickney.

“Bob and Louise have volunteered countless hours in the community of Rumford,” board Chairman Greg Buccina said.

He listed the couple’s contributions to the community, including their involvement with the Rumford Polar Bears Snowmobile Club.

“Bob is a volunteer treasurer, spokesman, grant writer, dedicated trail groomer and creator and maintainer of the club’s trail maps,” Buccina said. “Louise is the club secretary and membership chair. She arranges and organizes the Landowner Appreciation Dinner and helps maintain the club trails alongside Bob. They created and maintained the snowmobile club’s website and Facebook page. They helped spearhead the construction of the snowmobile club groomer garage and graciously donated the use of their own equipment and machinery to ensure the completion of it,” he said.

“The Snowmobile Club would not function in the undeviating manner that it has without the dedication of these two members,” Buccina added.


“This is not something that we went out to do, and when we do these things, we don’t really expect the recognition,” Robert Stickney said after he and his wife received the award. “But I will say that it feels pretty damn good to get.”

Louise Stickney said she is “blessed to have a partner to do all these fun things with.”

“We thank you, and we’ll continue to carry on,” Stickney said.

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