DIXFIELD — A chimney fire Tuesday night at a home on Route 2 damaged an attic and upstairs bedroom, a Dixfield Fire Company official said Wednesday.

The home at 1551 Main St. is owned by Jeff and Ronnie Hanson. Jeff Hanson was treated at the scene by Med-Care Ambulance, Dixfield fire Chief Scott Dennett said.

Hanson, who alerted 911 responders, fought the fire by himself with a fire extinguisher, he said.

“He had a lot of it knocked down himself,” Dennett said.

Dixfield, Peru and Mexico firefighters and Med-Care were initially called at 8:10 p.m. Dennett also called for help from East Dixfield firefighters.

On arrival, smoke was showing from the chimney and the eaves of the two-story, wood-frame house and flames were visible inside, Dennett said.


The fire was in an attic around the metal vest or metal double-wall of the chimney, he said.

“The cause was around the chimney,” Dennett said. “Perhaps, it was too close to the wood or he may have had a chimney fire that generated a lot of heat, but the origin was from the chimney.”

After stopping the fire by 9 p.m., firefighters pulled out insulation and Sheetrock to be sure the fire was out, Damage was confined to the attic and an upstairs bedroom.

“There was extensive damage to some of the roofing timber and structural timber,” he said.

Dennett estimated the damage at $25,000 to $30,000. Hanson indicated the house is insured, he said.

Dixfield firefighters cleared the scene at 10:20 p.m. Hanson stayed in the house overnight.


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