AUBURN — Mayor Jonathan LaBonte admitted Monday night that his enthusiasm for his city can come across as aggressive at times.

“I would agree, I will assert again tonight that until the culture of low expectations and limited opportunity is broken here, I will continue to fight,” LaBonte said in his inaugural address in the Edward Little High School gymnasium.

LaBonte, the city’s seven councilors and three School Committee members took their oaths of office at the ceremony.

LaBonte, beginning his second term as mayor, went over some of the city’s successes. They ranged from bringing a bus station downtown and work to bring bus service between the Twin Cities and Portland to new businesses moving downtown and in the city’s industrial parks.

LaBonte also talked about the state of education in Auburn and challenged officials to build a new high school.

“If Edward Little becomes a 21st century academy, how will that change the thoughts of those parents that are now looking for opportunities for their children or the business looking for a place to relocate?” LaBonte asked.


Outgoing Councilor-at-Large Joshua Shea was master of ceremonies for the first part of the ceremony, and he spoke of the challenges public office and the responsibilities of citizens to stay involved.

“It is our duty as citizens of the great city of Auburn that should anyone of them fail to meet our individual or collective expectations, one of us will step up and remedy the situation,” Shea said. “The best way to keep an eye on the action is to be part of the action. For our government to work, inauguration night can’t be like Easter or Christmas at church. We need the continual engagement of citizens, day in and day out.”

Councilors sworn in were Ward 1’s Tizz Crowley, Ward 2’s Robert Hayes, Ward 3’s Mary Lafontaine, Ward 4’s Adam Lee, Ward 5’s Leroy Walker and councilors-at-large Belinda Gerry and David Young.

With only three School Committee members present — Ward 2’s Bonnie Hayes, Ward 3’s Tom Kendall and Ward 5’s Lawrence Pelletier — the group tabled their vote on selecting a new chairman.

The four remaining members will be sworn in at the meeting Dec. 18. Members Tracey Levesque of Ward 4 and member-at-large Laurie Tannenbaum were out of town on business. At-large member-elect Ron Potvin missed the ceremony due to a health issue.

LaBonte said he spoke with Ward 1 member-elect Michael Farrell just before the meeting and reported he had come down with bronchitis.

School Committee Chairman Kendall spoke about technology changes.

“Are we prepared? No, not one of us prepared for that,” Kendall said. “Are our children prepared? I think they will gobble it up. I think they will welcome this with open arms. My concern is that we will stand in their way.”

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