Keeping the magic of Santa alive


He had a broad face and a little round belly that shook when he laughed like a bowl full of jelly. He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf. And I laughed when I saw him in spite of myself. — “A Visit From St. Nicholas”

Christmas just wouldn’t be the same without Santa Claus. Santa will forever be ingrained in the holiday season, serving as an endearing symbol of the season regardless of your religious affiliation.

Parents typically go to great lengths to ensure their children enjoy the holiday season. By keeping the magic of Santa alive, parents can add a special touch to the holiday season for their youngsters.

Children may become more skeptical of Santa around the time they turn 10, but there are plenty of ways to encourage this spirit to live on year after year.

* Read an uplifting story.


The holidays are ripe with stories that tug at the heartstrings. Parents can take their children to the library and rent a Christmas tale or take home a book of holiday stories, reading a different one before bed each night.

Encourage children to write their own positive stories of what the holidays mean to them and read them aloud to family and friends. The book “101 Ways to Keep the Spirit of Santa Alive: For “Kids” From 1 to 92″ by John Hagerman is a great way to get everyone in the house enthusiastic about Santa.

* Keep the magic flowing.

Children who believe in Santa for an extra year or two often come from families that keep the magic of Santa alive. In addition to the standard traditions of leaving cookies and milk out for the jolly old man, come up with new ways to evoke the essence of Santa.

Spray peppermint air freshener around the tree and other places Santa is sure to visit. Use a large boot to make a footprint in a plush rug. Find a way to trigger noise on the roof to give kids the impression that Mr. Claus himself has arrived. Extra measures to keep Santa alive can help everyone enjoy the holiday that much more.

* Take advantage of opportunities to spend time with Santa.


Parents and children alike have many opportunities to spend time with Santa during the holiday season, including photo opportunities at the mall and personalized videos sent directly to youngsters’ email accounts.

Elf dolls and breakfast with Santa at a nearby restaurant are other opportunities to spread the magic. Make the most of these opportunities over the course of the holiday season.

* Spread some Christmas cheer.

Santa’s job is to bring presents to the world’s children. Channel the notion that giving is better than receiving and spend time giving back to others as a family. Schedule a day when you can distribute gifts at a senior center or arrange to bring gifts to a foster child. Bake cookies and deliver cellophane-wrapped dishes to all of your neighbors. These activities put the emphasis on giving. 

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