By Tresa Erickson

Feature Writer

The holidays have arrived. Let the shopping begin! And so it begins’ the days and days of shopping on end for the perfect gift for each and every person on your list. You’re all gung-ho at first with the best of intentions, but as the days whittle down and you realize you haven’t gotten very far on your list, the goal of purchasing the perfect gift flies out the door and almost anything will do. What a pity! We’ve all been there, done that, but this year, it doesn’t have to be that way. You can change your stripes, start shopping early and get the perfect gift for everyone on your list. Here are some pointers.

Less is more

When it comes gift giving, more is not always best. You don’t have to break the bank and buy the recipient everything they ask for. One or two gifts of THEIR choosing will suffice. That’s right-THEIR choosing. It is a gift for them, not you, so buy what they ask for, and if they didn’t make any requests, buy what suits their needs and wants, not yours.

Budget matters


There is no need to go deep into debt with your holiday shopping. If the recipient has a request out of your price range, find someone to split the cost with or find another gift to buy. The recipient will understand, and if they don’t, oh well. It’s your bottom line. You don’t want to be paying for something for someone else long into the new year.

Selectivity is key

Don’t buy the first thing you come across. Take the time to shop around and check out the merchandise. Make sure the gift you choose meets the recipient’s qualifications and will last for a long time. Should additional services or products be offered, consider them carefully. The extended warranty may not be as beneficial as the accessories package.

Presentation counts

The right gift will mean little with sloppy packaging. Select a nice gift wrap or bag, wrap the gift with care and attach a bow or ribbon and a gift tag. Got a gift card instead? Purchase a card, envelope or gift bag or box to put it in.

Delivery is everything

Find a good time to deliver the gift when the recipient will be able to appreciate it. This could be at lunch, a party or an after-hours gathering. If you can’t find a convenient time, do not despair. Just drop the gift off and tell the recipient to enjoy!

Finding the perfect gift takes work. Put forth the effort, and it will not go unnoticed. When all is said and done, the gifts that have been hand selected and wrapped with care will be the ones remembered! Those are the gifts from the heart after all.

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