It is imperative that America be resuscitated and placed on life support until we know the outcome on Jan. 15, 2014, and perhaps indefinitely.

A major factor of the outcome facing America is Obamacare. It was actually introduced to fail. The ultimate objective, as I understand it, is a 100 percent takeover by the government to assume control of the entire health care industry.

For now, Americans will have to endure the Obamacare system. Waiting time will skyrocket, premiums will double and double, inefficiencies will run rampant through the system, and the worst is yet to come.

Government officials, including President Obama, knew that they couldn’t nationalize the entire health care industry, it is simply too radical. Instead, they needed a crisis first.

A tipping point was for Obamacare to fail and afterward the politicians would come to the rescue, making believe that they will protect the public from the system by introducing a new, nationalized health care system, prideful for the politicians to celebrate if it works.

I predict that it will not work and unaffordable, to say the least.


Alternatively, they will rely on a single-payer system where the government will control everybody’s lives and literally force the elderly onto death row.

That typifies how much of the president’s credibility has been undermined with the Obamacare system.

The longer he remains in office, the longer America will suffer and remain on life support.

Closer to home, congratulations to Robert Macdonald for retaining his seat as mayor of Lewiston.

Robert Lacombe, Sabattus

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