PARIS — Commissioners are considering how to address security improvements at the Oxford County courthouse without racking up unbudgeted expenses in the next year.

County Administrator Scott Cole addressed the safety issue with Commissioners David Duguay, Caldwell Jackson and Steven Merrill at their meeting Tuesday.

Although no progress has been made in pursuing security improvements, the county needs to keep the discussion alive, Cole told commissioners. 

Last month, department heads brought up building security as one of their biggest concerns. Particular worries include the absence of security personnel at probate court hearings, multiple entrances and exits and poor lighting in the Western Avenue building, originally built in the 19th century.

The county may need to bring in an expert to determine what measures are appropriate to improve security, Cole told commissioners. 

Installing better lighting can be accomplished simply, Cole said, but stronger security could require locking doors and offices, installing a swipe-card system and considering the design of the entire building.


“As soon as you start to think about it, there’s more questions,” he said. “The conversation starts to tail into all sorts of possibilities. … It’s going to boil down to someone recognized, with a legitimate background, possibly (paid) on a contract basis.”

Chairman Duguay however, argued that safety enhancements have to be balanced against the county’s budget. 

Commissioners have already been informed by the county treasurer and independent auditor that it needs to keep its unbudgeted expenses lower in order to build up a healthy fund balance, Duguay said. There are already significant overages in the current year’s budget and no money is allocated in the 2014 budget for security improvements. 

“It seems important, but we need to live within our means,” Duguay said, adding that the consistent law enforcement vehicle traffic near the county complex, which includes the Sheriff’s Office, District Court and jail, should provide a deterrent to a would-be attacker. 

“I’m not saying we’ve got enough,” Duguay continued. “I think if we start planning now, we might be ready for the 2015 budget.”

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