JAY — Police say a woman who reported a home invasion and truck fire early Saturday at her home on Macomber Hill Road has stopped cooperating with investigators and hired an attorney, police Chief Larry White Sr. said Wednesday.

The woman, who has not been named, reported at 12:22 a.m. that three masked men forced their way into her mobile home and told her to sit in a chair while they stockpiled items near the door, according to police. When she used a cellphone to call police, the intruders fled, set her husband’s truck on fire and drove away in a truck, she reportedly told police.

“The alleged victim in this incident is no longer cooperating with police” and has retained an attorney, White said in a statement. “There are some inconsistencies with her statements. The alleged victim’s unwillingness to cooperate any further directly with the Jay Police (Department) or State Fire Marshal’s Office is hindering the investigation; however, the investigation will continue.”

Police have cleared the occupants of a red Dodge truck they were looking for in connection with the reported invasion, White said.

The chief said residents are concerned about the reported home invasion and he wants them to know the department will continue to investigate, along with the Maine Office of the State Fire Marshal.

“The collection of evidence and statements and interviews are ongoing,” he said.

Jay Detective Richard Caton IV and state fire investigator Ken MacMaster are lead investigators. Their reports will be reviewed by the Franklin County District Attorney’s Office, White said.

Anyone with any information is asked to call the Jay Police Department at 897-6766 or the state Fire Marshal’s Office at 626-3870.


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