A bill that was put together by Democrats behind closed doors, so determined to have it implemented that Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., was quoted as saying, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” Not having been read, it was approved by a Democratic House and Democratic Senate.

Affordable: It is not. Premiums and deductibles are unaffordable. Policies are being forced into cancellations, but certain unions are exempt.

Care: Being solely limited to the government’s discretion.

Act: The way it was written and passed, it is difficult to understand and shamefully deceitful.

President Obama was so eager to enact the bill, though, because of its introduction to what he really has in mind for this country — socialism. According to his own book, “The Audacity of Hope,” he tells how he was tutored in socialism and communism. He knows that once the government controls people’s health, it can control the people.

Those who were won over by his purposeful charm (the people, unions, press and other media) and drank his Kool-Aid, are finding out that now that it’s digested, the taste is quite sour. His once supporters are now taking a different look at him, his arrogance, his promises, false statements, blaming and lack of accountability for Bengazi, the NSA, IRS, etc.

The saying “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive,” seems apropos for his misleading policies and disasters.

Obama also has a “period” problem … period.

Neil Bourgoin, Jay

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