MEXICO — Students at Meroby Elementary School are using their good behavior and kindness to help supply food for the Greater Rumford Area Food Pantry, and are challenging area businesses to help with donations, too.

Principal Melanie Chasse said children receive a “code of excellence” token from teachers and other staff members whenever they are seen doing a good deed, such as taking responsibility, picking up trash or being polite.

Every so often, the youngsters may cash in the tokens for such things as pencils, small toys, books and other items, which have “prices” in number of tokens required, or for intangible experiences, such as sharing lunch with a teacher or the principal or extra art time.

The token system is based on the RSU 10 district school’s motto — Be Kind, Be Respectful, Be Safe and Be Responsible. It is part of the new behavioral program known as Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports.

The staff and students will take the program one step further all week by donating their tokens and receiving 25 cents each from the Teachers Sunshine Fund, which will then be given to GRAMPA Food Pantry to purchase food for those in need. Whenever a child donates tokens, a paper turkey cut-out will be displayed on one of the school’s walls.

Chasse said the challenge to businesses is to match the $125 the children’s tokens will hopefully earn. All tokens are voluntarily donated.


“We are teaching what it means to be kind, to be grateful, to make a donation to help an organization,” Chasse said.

Sue Byam, director of the local food pantry, will speak about the organization’s responsibilities with students on Monday.

Past fundraising programs at Meroby have included donating items to the local animal shelter and to members of the military serving overseas.

If any business or individual is interested in helping the school’s children stock the food pantry, they may call the school at 364-3714.



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