President Barack Hussein Obama didn’t know about the U.S. spying on world leaders? Right.

He knew nothing about what happened in Benghazi? Right.

He didn’t know about the imminent problems with the health care website? Right.

He didn’t know that the majority of citizens would be paying more for health care, not $2,500 less, as he repeatedly proclaimed? Right.

He didn’t know that citizens would not be able to keep their existing health plans? Right.

He did not know about his Justice Department’s intrusion into phone records of Associated Press journalists? Right.


He knew nothing about the Department of Justice’s Operation Fast and Furious giving military-grade arms to Mexican drug criminals? Right.

He was in the dark about the Gen. David Petraeus investigation? Right.

The president did not know about the IRS disproportionately targeting tea party and other conservative groups? Right.

Obama had no qualifications in 2008 and he has no ability now to be a leader of anything. An honest reading of his books and biography also affirms that.

He is a flimflam man. He maintains a bogus ideology fashioned by a reprobate education.

One more thing he knows diddly about: How to take responsibility for anything.

William Van Tassel, Turner

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